Pourquoi porter la médaille de Saint Benoît ?

Why wear the Saint Benedict medal?

8 min read

Although it is beautiful and captivating, the Saint Benedict medal is not an ornamental object. Like the Miraculous Virgin Mary medal or the crucifix medal, this sacramental recognized by the Catholic Church is a powerful instrument of deliverance and deliverance. In this regard, it is also the most popular medal after the miraculous medal. And if you haven't acquired it yet, perhaps now is the time to do so. But first, let's discover the extraordinary advantages of this magnificent medal with unsuspected powers.

The Saint Benedict medal: a jewel like no other

The Saint Benedict medal is a Christian jewel very appreciated within the Catholic community. It is often found in the form of a pendant hung around the neck or on a rosary . It is also sometimes found integrated into rings or bracelets.

In any case, if it makes an excellent Christian jewel , it is above all a very effective object to counter the attacks of Satan and those of these legions. It therefore accompanies prayers of deliverance and exorcism. Moreover, you only need to take a look at the symbols engraved on its sides to understand that it is not a medal like any other.

Indeed, on the obverse as well as the reverse of the medal, we find so many letters, words, images and symbols that we find practically on no other sacramental of the Catholic Church. However, even if the inscriptions engraved there appear like hieroglyphs without any meaning, no words can describe all the protective power that this sacramental can release. Mystery, you said? Might as well say it.

Besides, didn't this medal remain mysterious for several decades? It was not until 1647 that a manuscript from 1415 was found which made it possible to decipher the symbols engraved on this medal. The discovery of this manuscript was made in the Metten Abbey in Bavaria. But before going any further, who is Saint Benedict?

Who is Saint Benedict?

Considered the founder of Western monasticism, Saint Benedict of Nursia or Saint Benedict was a very exemplary Italian saint and monk who lived in the 6th century. He had a tremendous impact on Christianity and represents a true model of spiritual perfection, holiness and service to others. He is remembered for his deep love for God and his insatiable pursuit of holiness.

Saint Benedict is best known for having performed extraordinary miracles and for having waged victorious struggles against evil. Proclaimed in October 1964, patron saint of all of Europe and celebrated on July 11 each year, he is at the origin of the order of Benedictine monks and the rule of Saint Blessed which governs monastic life. It is therefore to him that the world owes the existence of monks within the church.

The life of Saint Benedict was punctuated by impressive miracles and great victories against Satan and his legions. Thus, even if it is very beautiful with versions of varied sizes and in silver metal, gold plated, gold, etc., the Saint Benedict medal is considered a powerful protection and an effective aid in spiritual battles and in the exorcism. It is used for the reasons we pray to Saint Benedict and more.

Meaning of the symbols and images on the obverse of the Saint Benedict medal

On the obverse of the medal, we see the effigy of Saint Benedict in the center, covered with a hood and holding a cross in his right hand. This cross is the saving power of Jesus Christ. In the other hand he is seen holding an open book containing the holy rule of the order of Saint Benedict.

To the saint's right is a broken cup which, according to history, had been poisoned by rebellious monks, and which had broken when Saint Benedict made the sign of the cross into it as he drank from it. To his left, we see a crow about to fly away and holding in its beak a loaf of bread, also poisoned by the same rebel monks who had conspired to kill Saint Benedict. These two symbols recall the miracles of Saint Benedict.

On either side of the effigy of the saint is inscribed “Crux Sancti Patris Benedicti”, which means the cross of the Holy Father Benedict. On the edge of the face, we can read the inscription “May in our death, we be strengthened by his presence”. Under the feet of the saint, we find the words EX SM CASINO MDCCCLXX which means “From the sacred Monte Cassino, 1880”.

Meaning of the symbols and images on the reverse of the Saint Benedict medal

On the reverse of the medal, an imposing cross is displayed having respectively on each of its four sides the letters CSPB which are the initials of the inscription “Crux Sancti Patris Benedicti”. Inside the cross, we see two inscriptions, one engraved on the vertical beam of the cross and the other on the horizontal beam:

  • Vertically, we read CSSML (Crux Sácra Sit Mihi Lux) which means “may the Holy Cross be my light”;
  • Horizontally, we read NDSMD (Non Dráco Sit Mihi Dux), which means “let the dragon not be my guide”;

Still on the reverse, we see the initials of an exorcism prayer which reads as follows:

  • VRS (Vade Retro Satàna), i.e. Back Satan;
  • NSMV (Non Suàde Mihi Vàna, i.e. Do not come and advise me of your vanities;
  • SMQL (Sunt Màla Quae Libas), or The drink you pour is evil;
  • IVB (Ipse Venéna Bibas), drink your poisons yourself;
  • Pax: Peace.

The exorcism prayer inscribed on the medal of Saint Benedict therefore says this: “May the Holy Cross be my light. Let not the dragon be my guide. Back to Satan. Don't come and advise me of your vanities. The drink you pour is evil. Drink your own poisons. Peace. ".

What are the powers of the Saint Benedict medal?

Unfailing devotion to God, to holiness and to the fight against evil would have allowed Saint Benedict to receive exceptional spiritual gifts thanks to which he managed to perform miracles. Apart from the miracle of the poisoned glass and that of the poisoned bread carried away by a crow, he also prayed on a stone which, initially impossible to move by the other monks, finally became lighter and was easily moved.

A power of deliverance and protection against the work of Satan and his demons

Anyone who takes the time to decipher the words, letters, images and symbols that the Saint Benedict medal bears understands directly that it is a true spiritual treasure. Every word, every image has a special spiritual meaning. Engraved all around the medal, these symbols serve to ward off evil. Wearing the Saint Benedict medal therefore allows you to benefit from the graces and virtues granted to Saint Benedict by God.

Over the decades, many people have experienced the miraculous power of the Saint Benedict medal. It can be used to cure diseases such as kidney stones, to treat wounds, hemorrhages and even represents an antidote against poison or against contagious animal bites.

Wearing this sacramental also protects against the traps and tricks of Satan and his demons by closing the doors to the devil. This keeps away temptations and illusions projected by the devil on the Catholic believer in order to make him lose his holiness. Anyone with habits of serious sin (drug use, esotericism and other obscure spiritual practices, impure sexuality, etc.) can also wear the Saint Benedict medal.

Wearing the Saint Benedict medal can also help ward off danger or achieve victory in a difficult situation. In the face of troubles orchestrated by Satan, the Saint Benedict medal releases an unparalleled power which chases away evil powers, repels bad spells, wards off bad energies and puts an end to diabolical activities.

Medal of Saint Benedict: A source of spiritual graces and conversion to the Lord

When you take care to have it blessed by the saints through prayers, the Saint Benedict medal is a perfect way to invoke the graces of God on a person whose soul is lost or who refuses to make peace with the Lord after a painful experience such as the loss of a loved one for example.

This medal unleashes an extraordinary power of conversion that has been experienced many times. She also proved to be an effective guide in any complex situation. When you find yourself facing a wall, it also allows you to open doors and paths. By fighting negative energies and repelling bad spells, the medal also attracts positive energies towards the user.

Whether worn as a pendant around the neck with a gold or silver chain, the Saint Benedict medal acts as a protective shield. The prayers of exorcism and protection engraved there are not just inscriptions. They have a powerful effect on the forces of evil. So you might as well keep this medal with you wherever you go.

How to use the Saint Benedict medal?

The Saint Benedict medal is a super original gift idea for religious events (baptism, communion, birthday, birth, etc.) and also an excellent gift idea to offer to people who are afflicted or facing spiritual battles.

You can wear it like a piece of jewelry or you can also place it at home in a strategic place to prevent the entry of demons and negative energies. But to benefit from the virtues contained in this medal, you must first have it blessed by a priest.

This religious sacramental jewel is used in a very simple way. You must place it in front of you on a white cloth and fix it so that the image of the medal is engraved in your mind. From then on, we can begin the ritual by addressing a prayer to God and asking for the goodwill of Saint Benedict. Here is an example of a prayer to say to release the power of the medal on you and those around you.

Dear Saint Benedict, I thank God for having showered you with his grace to love him above all and to establish a monastic rule that has helped so many of his children live full and holy lives. Through the cross of Jesus Christ, I ask you to intercede that God may protect me, my loved ones, my home, my possessions, my possessions and my workplace today and always through your holy blessing, so that we let us never be separated from Jesus, Mary, and the company of all the blessed. Through your intercession, may we be delivered from temptation, spiritual oppression, physical ailments and sickness. Protect us from drug and alcohol abuse, impurity and immorality, reprehensible companions and negative attitudes. In the name of Jesus. Amen.

Obviously, the power of this medal is not in the person of Saint Benedict, but rather in faith in Jesus Christ. Indeed, it is at the mention of the name of Jesus Christ that Satan flees. Christ has conquered death, sin and Satan and his legions. It is therefore the effectiveness of the cross and the name of Jesus Christ which are revealed through this sacramental.

During his lifetime, Saint Benedict always had recourse to the cross of Christ in all difficult situations. We should do the same with the medal of Saint Benedict. This allows us to benefit from the power of deliverance that Jesus Christ manifested in the life and ministry of Saint Benedict. So choose your medal today and experience its power.