Que faire si on veut devenir chrétien ?

What to do if you want to become a Christian ?

8 reading minutes

Have you started to think about your life and decided to embrace the Christian religion?Christian teachings inspire you and you have chosen to take the step. Good news. The decision to become a Christian is a decision that will completely transform your life and make you livea very intimate and very rich experience. But the Christian life is a long journey that has no end and is lived better when it begins in the rules of theart. In this article we take you tothe discovery of everything you need to become a Christian. Happy reading.

What does it mean to be a Christian?

To begin, let's first define the word "Christian." Who is a Christian? The term itself-itself finds its origin in the name “Christ” or “Hristo” in Greek which means “Messiah” in Hebrew (Massiah).

Messiah is the Anointed of God, the Consecrated One. As the Bible indicates in the 11th chapter of ActsIn its 26th chapter, the word "Christian" was first pronounced in Antioch to designate the disciples of Christ.

Those-they were then working to spread the Gospel of Christ throughout the world andto bear witness to Him,according to the mandate he gave them. In the book of Matthew 28:19-20 “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I command you.I have commanded you. And I am with you always, until the end of theworld ".

Thus, a Christian is simply a person who has responded to Christ's call by faith and has become a member of the body of Christ and the Church and who shapes his life according to the holy scriptures and more precisely the Gospel. That being said, it must be clarified that there are three great Christian familiesor confessions.

We distinguish between Catholic Christians, Orthodox Christians, Evangelical churches and Protestants, which are composed of Anglicans, Methodists, Lutherans, Baptists, etc. The Christian religionis today the one that is practiced by the most people, even if Christians arehistorically the most affected by religious persecution throughout the world. Of the three major Christian denominations, the Catholic religion dominates by far and represents more than 20% of the world population.

The foundations of Christian life to know to become a Christian

The answer to this question is found in Romans 10:9-10. The passage says this: “If you confessyour mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousnessthis, and it is by confessing with the mouth that one attains to salvation, according to what the Scripture says." We see here a very simple approach.

However, this approach varies from one Christian denomination or tradition to another. If thefaiths have in common fundamental principles and beliefs, the steps to becomingChristian beliefs vary from one denomination to another. However, it is not enough to confess. Becoming a Christian is a journey that allows one to discover and embrace the fundamental beliefs of the Christian community.those of religion. These beliefs are of several orders.

The Bible for the Christian

All the teaching of Christianity is based on the Bible which is considered by Christians as a sacred text and as the first source of inspiration. Split into two parts which are the Old

Testament and the New Testament, it is composed in its first part of Hebrew stories relating to the creation of the world, the life of the patriarchs, the law of Moses and the various prophets.

Its second part takes stock of the life, teachings, death and resurrection of Jesus andlooks back at the experience of the first apostolic Christians. The New Testamentalso includes the apostolic letters, which were mostly writtenis by the ApostlePaul, then John's revelation about the end of time.

To become a Christian, regular reading of the Bible is a must. Generally, one begins with theGospels to immerse oneself in the story of Jesus' life-Christ and his teachings.

God for the Christian

The Christian is first of all a person who believes in an infinitely powerful, infinitely perfect God andinfinitely loving. He believes in one God who is both unique and triune, a God who is, simultaneously, Father, Son and HolySpirit and who created man so that he- this one participates in his blessed life.

Belief in the existence of one God is fundamental to becoming a Christian. On the basis of this belief, all other principles are established. These include the importance of prayer, theneed for repentance, the grace of God, the promise of eternal life, and the need to respect thetwo great commandments (to love God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind,and love your neighbor as yourself, according to Matthew 22:37-39).

Jesus Christ for the Christian

The person of Jesus Christ is central to the Christian religion. Christianity focuses on hismiraculous birth, his sinless life, the miracles he performed, the teachings he gave(sermons, parables, etc.), his suffering, his crucifixion, his death, his resurrection and his ascension. These are the pillars of the Christian faith.

The willingness to embrace the Christian religion must be based on the hopeto salvation through the teachings of Jesus Christ and the decision to live by his principles. Jesus is simultaneously fully human and fully divine, a duality that gives him the ability to mediatebetween God and humanity.

THEThe heart of the Christian faith is based on the one hand on the acceptance of the fall of human nature and on the hope of the redemption of humanity, a mission that Christ, the Savior, came to accomplish onearth by dying on the cross for the sins of the world.

What path does it take to become a Christian according to the Catholic faith?

In the Catholic Church there are three main sacraments through which one can enter into the mystery of Christ and thus become a Christian.We speak of sacraments of initiation.Christian, fundamental rites with a very deep theological and spiritual scope. The three sacramentsChristian initiation is baptism, first communion or eucharist and confirmation. They mark entry into the community ofChristian.


Baptism is an act of faith that seals conversion, a symbol of the acceptance of Jesus.Christ as your Lord and Savior. This is the first sacrament of initiation. In the Catholic Church, it is preceded by a period of preparation, catechism, Bible studies and teachings, intended to certify that you are aware of the eternal spiritual value of the commitment you are about to signify.

Intended for the regeneration and integration of the baptized person into the Church, it is also preceded by repentance, which consists of expressing, through prayer, one's regret for the sins one has committed and committing oneself to turning to God. This prayer is fundamental because it allows one to obtainforgiveness of sins and starting a new life.

Christian baptism is a sacred rite of purification and regeneration of Jewish inspiration. It is practiced either by total immersion in water, or by infusion or sprinkling of water according to thetraditions. This act symbolizes the death of your old life of sin in identification with the death of Jesus and a new life Christ in identification with the resurrection of Christ. The rite is officiated by apriest or by a pastor as part of a ceremonyonie.

The confirmation

The second sacrament of Christian initiation, confirmation is in the continuity ofspiritual journey. It consists of a Christian having hands laid on him and being anointed by a priest or pastor in the contextre of a solemn ceremony which confirms his Christian maturity. It is the symbol of the reception of the Holy Spirit, a moment during which the Christianreaffirms his baptismal promise more consciously and more intimately.

The Eucharist or the prefirst communion

Also known as "Holy Communion" or "Holy Supper" or "Lord's Supper" isthe third sacrament of initiation in the Catholic Church. It is the sacrament for example, all the more so as it materializes the sacrifice ofand Jesus-Christ for humanity and makes the believer participate in the blood andto the body of Jesus Christ.

In a ceremony, the Eucharist consists of the transformation of bread and wine into the body and blood of Jesus. This transubstantiation is carried out by thehas Eucharistic prayer and by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Although it is celebrated differently in other religions such as Protestants, itoccupies an exceptional place in Christian life and practice.

Together, these three sacramentss of Christian initiation form the foundation on which identity is basedChristian.Obviously, these sacraments can only be fully experienced through faith in Jesus.Christ and in the Church.

There are seven sacraments in total in the Catholic Church,which are classified into two families,namely the sacraments of healing (reconciliation and the anointing of the sick) and the sacraments of commitment which come to affix a seal to the journey of baptismal life. These are ordination and the mmarriage.

In the Catholic Church, the teaching of catechesis allows us to discover the four fundamental pillars of the Church's tradition. These are::

  • The profession of baptismal faith;

  • The sacraments of faith;

  • The life of faith or the commandments;

  • The prayer of the believer, which is the Our Father (Pater Noster).

How to deepen your Christian life

Becoming a Christian is the beginning of a journey rich in experiences.Here are some suggestions that might help you put the odds in your favor.

Getting involved in a Christian community

To become a Christian, it is vital to find a Christian community. Faith is lived in community.If you go it alone, your spiritual growth will be significantly slowed or truncated. This is why it is sometimes recommended to adopt the christian jewelry like the cross necklaces, Christian bracelets, symbols such as the Jesus fish, the miraculous virgin Mary, the Christian cross, etc., and religious objects such as medals, the rosary, etc.

Wearing this Christian jewelry allows you to identify with a Christian community and above all to strengthen and affirm your faith in the face of obstacles and difficulties. Obviously, there are manydenominations christianitynnes. Each of them has its own practices and traditions.

To find the denomination or local church that is best for you, you should start by visiting a series of churches and attending their services. Also, talk to cSome members of thesedenominations and these churches in order to identify the church where you will be most comfortable living yourfaith.

In this local church, it will be necessary to attend services, because it is essential to immerse oneself in theteachings of Jesus and grow spiritually. Worship services include reading God’s Word, sermons, prayers, and spiritual songs. Participate as much as possible in the activities of your local church.

Join Bible Study Groupsare local or online

Being a member of a local church is not enough. You also need to find a way to energize your life.spiritual. For a better understanding of the holy scriptures, it is generally helpful tojoin a bible study groupues locally or online, from participating in Christian conferences and seminars.

These are platforms that allow you to ask questions, listen to other people's testimoniesChristians, to share thoughts and discuss the textsBible studies with other believers.

There are also many online resources (podcasts, videos, websites, etc.) that can help you better understand Christianity. These resources will provide a solid foundation for your Christian life and contribute to your spiritual edification and growth.

Although reading theological works is not obligatory, it still helps to deepen theunderstanding of the Christian faith and offers valuable insights into the Christian life and walk. In any case, be sureyou to maintain your Christian faith and nourish it with thepure knowledge and support it with religious objects and an environment favorable to your edification.

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