Les différents symboles des colliers religieux

The different symbols of religious necklaces

8 reading minutes

YOU You want to buy a religious necklace for yourself or as a gift for a child or an adult. You are not sure which symbol would be best suited for the occasion. There are several Christian symbols, but each one carries a unique meaning and affects the Christian faith and walk in a particular way. In this article, we will take you on a journey of discovery through the different symbols that, when combined with necklaces, give your Christian jewelry a special meaning, while enhancing your adornment.

Why discover the different symbols in religious necklaces

More than just fashion accessories, jewelry has always been an object loaded with deep symbolism and messages that go beyond what is revealed by appearance. Sometimes it is passed down from generation to generation. Sometimes it is a gift from a friend or colleague. Sometimes, we simply choose to buy it.

But before adopting them, it is important to know and understand the value of Christian symbols added to religious necklaces. These are very evocative symbols that exert a considerable impact on the faith of those who wear them.

Knowing the symbols of the religious necklaces you wear or give as gifts is important. Indeed, the Christian symbols added to your necklaces can be a way to express your belief or strengthen your faith in God the Father. For some people, these religious necklaces are a way to remember certain key events of the faith.

But the necklaces Christians come in a variety of forms, from the most modest to the most striking. When worn in public and in a visible manner, they say something about those who wear them. They also sometimes serve as tools for evangelization and recognition of belonging to a given community of faith. Thus, depending on where we find ourselves, they can spark conversations and share the Christian message.

What are the different symbols of religious necklaces

THE christian pendants are worn every day. Whether they are made of sterling silver, gold, gold plated, bronze, set with diamonds, fine stone (garnet), wood, plastic, etc., there is something for everyone.

They can be an excellent gift for communion, baptism and profession of faith or even Christmas. These symbols allow in fact to accompany the devotion to Jesus Christ the Lord or to the Virgin Mary and to support the spiritual walk.

Seduced by their aesthetic potential, stylists and jewelers have seized upon the symbols of religious necklaces, adorning them with a bit of glamour to create extraordinary creations.

So, we see atheists who wear religious necklaces simply because of their design and aesthetics. However, no matter how they are modernized and transformed, they all carry a deeply religious meaning.

The Necklaces of the Virgin Mary

Virgin Mary necklaces are the most common way to express devotion to the Virgin Mary. Indeed, as the mother of God, she occupies a fundamental place in Christian history. Virgin Mary necklaces recall the love and graces granted by the intercession of Mother Mary for souls. There are several variations.

Cross Necklaces

Timeless, the cross is to this day the most widespread and recognized symbol of faith in Christianity. This symbol in fact refers to the saving sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Cross necklaces are therefore offered during baptisms or communions.

They actually carry a very deep meaning for Catholic Christians everywhere. They serve as a reminder of God's love manifested through the sacrifice on the cross and to realize how precious we are to Him.

Cross necklaces allow us to feel closer to God and the Holy Spirit and. They are often found as pendants with varied designs depending on the model. The cross-shaped pendant is often associated with a delicate chain in gold, silver, etc. But it is important to differentiate between the different cross necklaces.

Latin cross necklaces

Although it is sometimes confused with the crucifix necklace, the Latin cross must be distinguished from it. In fact, the Latin cross is a simple cross without the figure of Jesus Christ and which highlights the resurrection because Jesus is no longer on the cross. It is the most widespread symbol. It is worn around the neck in an ostentatious manner (over clothing) or discreetly (under clothing).

Cross crucifix necklaces

As for the crucifix cross (crucifix for crucifixion) which is also called the cross of Jesus Christ symbolizes the death of Jesus Christ on the cross. The figure of Jesus is represented there to symbolize his sacrifice for the redemption of humanity. It is found among Catholics as well as Orthodox.

Orthodox cross necklaces

Very popular, this sacred pendant of the Eastern Orthodox is one of the oldest cross jewels of Orthodox Christianity. It is composed of three crossbars, one of which bears the inscription INRI, the other, the outstretched arms of Jesus Christ crucified and the last, the nailed feet of Jesus.

Jerusalem Cross Necklaces

Easy to recognize, the Jerusalem cross is composed of a large central bar whose horizontal axis bears four other small crosses. It is also called the Crusader's cross. The four small crosses are considered a symbol of the four gospels and the four corners of the earth where Jesus Christ asked that his word be preached.

With its very attractive design, the East Jerusalem cross necklace is perfect for expressing faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ. But it is not very discreet. So it can only be worn on clothes.

Celtic cross necklaces

Also known as the haloed cross, the Celtic cross is the symbol of Celtic Christianity. It takes the form of a classic cross with its four arms and central axis surrounded by a circle.

Its four arms refer to the four elements of the earth, namely water, earth, fire, air. As for the central circle, it represents the infinite love of God. This cross sometimes symbolizes knowledge, strength, compassion and other virtues necessary for better management of the ups and downs of life. There are several other types of crosses. We cannot cite all the variations. For example, we have :

  • The cross or medal of Saint Benedict ;
  • Patriarchal Cross Necklaces ;
  • Lorraine cross necklaces.

Each of these crosses carries a fundamental symbolism common to all crosses, then a distinctive element

Dove necklaces

Often found on gold jewelry, especially women's necklaces, the dove symbol is also a reference to the Holy Spirit evoked during the baptism of Jesus Christ. Noah had sent a dove after the flood to confirm that the waters had receded from the earth.The dove therefore announces purity and peace, especially when it holds an olive branch in its beak.

Tree of life necklaces

With its symbolic form, the tree of life is usually inscribed inside a circle. Its roots and the tips of its branches touch the circle. This symbol is particularly suitable for women's necklaces. In general, it symbolizes balance, family, rooting, etc. It is often associated with gold, gilded or silver chains.

But for the Christian, it evokes the cross of Christ and the tree of the Garden of Eden and therefore represents the link between God and Humanity. It also represents the eternal source of life, wisdom, understanding and divine protection. The tree of life necklace is perfectly suited to necklaces, because, positioned on a neckline for example, it reveals your light and your refinement.

Fish necklaces

Fish in religious necklaces usually results in very minimalist jewelry. The fish is a symbol that refers to the first Christians. Thus, you will often see the figure of the Ichthy, this ribbon fish that means " Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior ".

Necklaces with a religious medal

Religious medals leave a wide choice to the user. They can represent the figure of Jesus Christ, that of the Virgin Mary or that of an angel. There are also mixed medals, which combine several Christian symbols.

Necklaces with the Star of David

Thin and often discreet, the Star of David (or Shield of David) is a well-known Jewish symbol. It is worn either alone with a pendant or accompanied by a medal engraved with the initial of a first name or the entire first name.

With its six branches sometimes set with diamonds or crystal, the Star of David necklace guarantees nobility and compels wonder. On some models, we find a Christian cross in the center of the star. In this case, it is the messianic star. On others, the star is placed inside a circle. We find models in gold, silver, etc.

How to choose a religious necklace?

Are you looking for a women's necklace or a men's necklace? ? Are you looking for the perfect gift for someone who wants to wear a religious jewelry ?

Men's or women's necklace ?

White gold necklaces are suitable for men, while yellow gold necklaces are suitable for women. Of course, men do not have to limit themselves to silver jewelry. They can also opt for yellow gold. Gold-plated chains or chains are also perfect and less expensive. Models made of precious or semi-precious stones or fine stones (emerald, turquoise, quartz, garnet, sapphire, ruby, etc.).

In general, a men's necklace should be harmonized with other accessories such as the watch, cuffs, bracelets, etc. The women's necklace should match the earrings, engagement rings, etc. It will therefore be necessary to make the choice accordingly.

Gold or silver necklaces

If you like brass or silver-plated metal necklaces, you will need to make sure you have the right quality. Rhodium-plated silver necklaces (cross necklace, Miraculous Virgin Mary necklace, etc.) for example have the advantage of being suitable for all clothing styles. But they are a little more expensive than simple silver chains and chains that do not always match all clothes.

For those who are stainless steel models or obtained from an alloy, they are also perfect for daily wear because they are more resistant to water and sweat. The most modest budgets do not have to complain.

In jewelry stores, you will find charms representing Christian symbols. You will just need to adapt them to a chain or a pendant. They are also better suited for some children who often lose their Christian jewelry and ask for others. To better help you choose a blog post dedicated to jewelry could enlighten you;

What size? ?

For a choker necklace that you want to see just around the neck, you should opt for simple and discreet religious symbols such as the fish, the Christian cross or the dove carrying a branch. The miraculous medal will also be an excellent choice, especially with its oval shape. Pair it with a silver or gold chain and it would be the best assembly in terms of aesthetics.

With sautoir necklaces or long necklaces, you can use medallions or medals with larger symbols such as the Orthodox cross for example. They are best suited to necklines and similar clothing. However, a tree of life necklace would also work perfectly for sautoir necklaces as well as chokers. It all depends on the dimensions of the symbol.

Custom or standard necklace ?

You may prefer personalized jewelry. For those who wish, you can have your initials engraved on your medals by a jeweler to make your jewelry original.

Name necklaces with religious symbols or other forms of personalized religious necklaces would be a great help to a child for example. The engraving must however be perfect. Diamond crystals can also be set. There is a wide choice of possibilities.

So study each symbol and choose the one that best matches what you are looking for.

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