Popular among audiences of all ages, the Miraculous Medal is one of the most commonly worn Christian jewelry by Catholic Christians. It is an object of piety and devotion that has been highly venerated for generations and draws all its strength from an exceptional revelation and formal instruction from the Blessed Virgin Mary. Over the decades, this medal has captured the imagination of Christians, being at the center of several stories of miraculous healings and appeasement in times of trouble. But where does this Miraculous Virgin Medal come from? What is its symbolism? We talk about it in this article.
With its oval shape, the miraculous medal is one of the most beautiful christian jewelry. This is also why some Christians enjoy wearing it, even if they do not understand the symbolism of this medal or its history. It is also known as the "miraculous medal of Rue du Bac", because it is in this street that its history begins. But before talking about history, let's see a little about how this historical medal is presented.
On the obverse of the medal, we see the Immaculate Conception depicted. The Virgin Mary stands upright and perched on half of a globe with her arms slightly spread from her body and her palms open. From her arms radiate rays that reach towards the ground. On this same side, we see the feet of the Virgin Mary crushing the head of a serpent. Here, we recognize the serpent of the Garden of Eden, the ancient serpent, Satan, who represents evil.
We are then reminded of this statement of God in Genesis 3:15 after the serpent had completed his fatal mission of the fall of man in the Garden of Eden. "I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed; it shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel." It is therefore clear that the Virgin Mary is fully involved in the spiritual warfare.
All around it is engraved a phrase which, more than a simple prayer, is neither more nor less than an invocation: O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to you. This phrase is understood as a simple prayer for those who have never experienced the benefits of this object of piety.
Yet it is this same phrase that has miraculously healed and brought satisfaction to millions of people in their times of trouble. The Virgin Mary has asked that we pray this prayer regularly so that she will intercede for us.
This side of the coin reminds us that spiritual warfare is not a fable, but a reality. It also reveals to us that if the spirit of evil is at work, it is defeated by the power and help of God, accessible through the intercession of the Virgin Mary. In our trials, victory is therefore assured if we turn to God in prayer.
On the reverse side of the Miraculous Virgin Medal, we see the letter M in the center. This letter represents Mary, being her initial. It is surmounted by the cross of Christ. The cross and the letter are intertwined, so as to indicate the eternal bond that binds Jesus Christ to his mother who can bring us back to her son Jesus, being associated with the mission of the salvation of humanity by divine grace.
Apart from these figures, there are two hearts. The first is the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ the Savior. It is crowned with thorns. The second is the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the Mother of God. It is pierced with a sword. Together, these hearts symbolize the endless love of the Lord and his mother for humanity.
All along the perimeter of the Miraculous Virgin Medal, we see twelve stars that recall Revelation 12:1: "A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, and with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars." The 12 stars evoke both the number of the apostles, the number of the tribes of Israel and the Church as a whole.
Clearly, the function of this medal is more than that of a simple jewel. It represents the dogma of the Immaculate Conception revealed at a time when Pi IX had not yet proclaimed it. Its profound symbolism has made it one of the most emblematic objects of devotion in the world.
Considered by all Catholic Christians of the world as a source of graces, a pledge of protection and love, she reminds us that we can turn to the Virgin Mary in order to benefit from her intercession with her son. And the invocation is as simple as it is powerful: "O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to you."
The history of the Miraculous Virgin Medal dates back to the 19th century, more precisely to 1830. It begins with Catherine Labouré, a novice in the congregation of the Sisters of Saint Vincent de Paul, also known as the Daughters of Charity. It was on July 18, at 6:30 p.m. in the convent chapel. She received an apparition of the Virgin who told her this: "My child, the Good Lord wants to entrust you with a mission. Your task will be delicate and difficult."
Several days later, Catherine had another encounter with the Virgin Mary. It was November 27, 2830. At 5:30 p.m. that day, while she was praying in the chapel, Catherine had a vision in which two paintings appeared to her, one after the other, above the altar. Then she heard the Virgin Mary say to her, "Have a medal struck on this model. Those who wear it with confidence will receive great graces."
In the first painting, we could see the Virgin Mary standing on half a globe and under her feet, the crushed serpent. The Virgin Mary said to the young Catherine "this ball represents the whole world, France and each person in particular". Around these figures, an oval appears, then an invocation in gold letters saying: "O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to you". The Virgin Mary said to her again: "Have a medal struck on this model". The people who wear it with confidence will receive great graces".
As soon as the painting is turned, we see what the reverse of the medal must have carried. A cross below which appears the letter M, the initial of Mary. At the bottom, we see two hearts, one pierced by a sword, and the other crowned with thorns.
Having recovered from this vision, young Catherine shared her vision with her confessor who, after obtaining the bishop's approval, had 2,000 copies of what they called "the holy medal" produced. Distributed by the Daughters of Charity during the cholera epidemic of 1832 that had devastated Paris, this medal was the source of strange cures and serial conversions.
She had turned many hearts back to Jesus through renewed devotion to the Virgin Mary. It had thus earned the name of the Miraculous Medal. Catherine returned to heaven in 1876. But by the time she died, several million copies of the Miraculous Medal had already been distributed. Even today, several million Catholic Christians wear this medal as a pendant to strengthen their closeness to the Virgin Mary.
The chapel in which the Virgin Mary revealed the medal is now the Chapel of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal. Every year, pilgrims meet there to discover this mythical place, meditate, strengthen their Marian devotion and buy the medal.
Since the miraculous medal initially struck in silver metal revealed these virtues to the world, they have not stopped being produced. For occasions such as baptisms, weddings, birth celebrations or birthdays, the miraculous medal is one of the most frequently preferred gifts.
This jewel symbolizes the protection and gentleness of the Mother of God and expresses the faith of the one who wears it. The medal protects the one who wears it and accompanies him on his journey towards salvation. It is also a testimony of love and devotion to the Holy Virgin.
And if today, it comes in several dozen versions, the symbols revealed by Mary to Catherine are faithfully reproduced on each copy. But there is something for everyone. In places of worship, we see some from the most modest to the most luxurious. We find versions in wood, silver or gold metal. Others are enhanced with a fine colored resin or set with diamonds. We see some that are in yellow or white gold in 9 or 18 carats, etc.
Over time, costume jewelry has also become interested in this legendary jewel, integrating it into necklaces, hoop earrings, collars, pendants of various sizes, etc. Whatever the version or format, as long as the symbols initially dictated by the Virgin Mary to Sister Catherine are maintained, no problem arises. Some people prefer to wear it, suspended.
Traditionalists prefer that it be hung on a chain or cord in order to wear it around the neck. In this way, the miraculous medal is closer to the heart and allows one to feel and strengthen the spiritual closeness with the Holy Virgin Mary, the mediating mother to whom God refuses no request.
Many also prefer to wear it in bracelet, because there are bracelets made up of an assembly of several miraculous medals. It is a fairly modern and rather unique look. However, before wearing it, you must make sure to have it blessed by a priest. It is only after this blessing that the medal becomes miraculous and can release the special grace and the protective and intercessory power of the Holy Virgin Mary in your life. But how to pray the medal ?
November 27th of each year is the feast of the Miraculous Medal, to commemorate the apparition of the Virgin Mary to Sister Catherine. You can therefore take advantage of this moment to pray with your rosary (You will find in this article how to choose your rosary). But any other day would do. Why not pray a novena for example ?
Decide to pray for nine days on personal prayer topics that you will entrust to the mother of Christ by reciting them each day. To begin, say a prayer to Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal.
Then you will say 1 time the Pater (Our Father), 10 times the Ave Maria (I greet you), 1 time the Gloria Patri (Glory to God) then 3 times the invocation that the Virgin Mary taught to Sister Catherine Labouré. But always start with the prayer to Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal. The prayer is as follows.
" O Immaculate Virgin, Mother of God and our mother, with the most lively confidence in your powerful intercession so often manifested by means of your medal, we humbly beg you to be good enough to obtain for us the graces that we ask of you through this novena: (ask for a personal grace). O Virgin of the miraculous medal, who appeared to Saint Catherine Labouré in the attitude of mediatrix of the whole world and of each soul in particular, we place in your hands and entrust to your heart our supplications. Deign to present them to your divine son and grant them if they are in conformity with the divine will and useful to our souls. And, having raised your suppliant hands to God, lower them upon us and envelop us in the rays of your graces, enlightening our minds, purifying our hearts, so that, under your guidance, we may one day arrive at blessed eternity. Amen »